Best Gluten Free Beers

Departed Soles Rick Rolled-Oat Coffee Stout

gluten free beer brands 2023

Departed Soles Rick Rolled-Oat Coffee Stout

Gluten Free Stout From New Jersey

If you’ve been following this blog for awhile, you’ve probably noticed a handful of reviews for Departed Soles, a brewery based in New Jersey. (That’s right…EAST coast gluten free beer!) Departed Soles brews both regular #DefinitelyNotGlutenFree beer, and gluten free beer.

Their gluten free beers are brewed with 100% gluten free ingredients, sourced carefully from suppliers that guarentee no contamination. They also have two dedicated fermenters that have never before seen gluten, and they put all other equipment through extensive cleaning protocols to keep Celiacs safe.

I myself have never had any issues consuming the beer from Departed Soles, and so far, everything I’ve tried out of that brewery has been fantastic. They have a phenomenal selection of gluten free styles and their branding is super creative and fun.

Departed Soles brewing co
From 2018, IBUs and ABVs may be slightly different now.

Today I’m reviewing their Rick Rolled-Oat Coffee Stout. Departed Soles Brewing describes this beer as a “Dank & Citrusy Cascadian Dark Ale”. It’s brewed on millet, oats, quinoa, and rice. It also contains Modcup coffee and milk sugar, so watch out for that if you’re sensitive to dairy.

A note on that…I do think that breweries should disclose common allergens (like dairy!) on their packaging, and sadly this one does not. Many Celiacs and gluten intolerant people are also sensitive or allergic to dairy products. The two allergens often go hand in hand. Departed Soles, if you’re reading, please consider adding this disclaimer when appropriate. It could save some from an unexpected reaction.

The speed pour of the beer pour is offered below, but if you want to see it in real time (with sound) head on over to our Patreon channel. It’s posted their for all to view.

The Taste Test

Rick Rolled-Oat Coffee Stout 

The Rick Rolled Oat Coffee Stout pours with a deep espresso brown color a pretty decent head. This stout is completely opaque. You can’t see any shapes or light through it when held up to a light source. The head doesn’t last long. When it bubbles down, it’s gone completely which gives the beer kind of a flat appearance. It’s darkness keeps it from revealing any carbonation too, so I’m hoping it tastes a bit zippier than it looks after pour.

It smells like a chocolate chip oatmeal cookie…dipped in coffee. It smells incredible. And it hits all the familiar stout markers in the aroma. In other words, it smells like a “regular” gluten-filled stout. The taste is incredibly bright! It’s not flat, but I would mark it very low on the carbonation level.

coffee stout

That carbonation is the first characteristic to hit the palate. It’s followed by a bright, slightly fruity presence. Once the stout hits the back of the palate, the roasted oat and chocolate coffee notes take over the tasting experience (my favorite part), then the beer finishes with a gentle bitterness that fades quickly from the palate. 

The flavor is heavy but the body is medium-full. It’s not super thick like some stouts, and the brightness on the tongue really keeps it from feeling heavy. This allows it to retain a refreshing quality, instead of purely becoming a liquid dessert.

gluten free stout

The flavor is heavy but the body is medium-full. It’s not super thick like some stouts, and the brightness on the tongue really keeps it from feeling heavy. This allows it to retain a refreshing quality, instead of purely becoming a liquid dessert.

Departed Soles has created a phenomenal gluten free stout. It’s no wonder why it won gold at the Best of Craft Beer Awards in 2018. I just wish it had a bit more froth to the head so that it would linger through consumption and not disappear so quickly after the pour. 

departed soles brewing co gluten free stout

If I set that note aside though, I can’t really find anything to complain about (apart from the dairy disclaimer). This beer smells and tastes delicious. It’s opaqueness upholds the visual expectation of a stout. Not all gluten free stouts on the market are this dark. Well done Departed Soles. I’m glad I saved the Stout for last! 

The Rick Rolled-Oat Coffee Stout has a 5.3% ABV so it’s a modest stout in terms of alcohol, which I take to mean that it’s safely consumed at any time of day. ;) Perhaps a little coffee beer with your breakfast?

P.S. Like what I do for the gluten free beer community? Consider buying me a beer for my efforts! ;)

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