Best Gluten Free Beers

Evasion Brewing Light Lager

gluten free beer brands 2023

Evasion Brewing Light Lager

For Those Who Miss Their Light Beers

Today’s review is for the lightest gluten free beer I’ve ever had! It’s for the 100% gluten free Light Lager brewed by Evasion Brewing in their dedicated gluten free facility in McMinnville, Oregon. This is a 3.9% ABV lager that may be a great substitute for gluten free beer drinkers that miss their Coors Light, Bud Light, Miller Lite, etc…

Evasion Brewing Light Lager

This 3.9% ABV lager is built on a base of millet and rice grain. The Light Lager is currently packaged in 12 ounce cans. It’s label is simple and summery. I honestly can’t say I’ve ever craved this style of beer since going gluten free 10 years ago, but I’m excited to see what Evasion did with it!

I suspect that this is going to be a popular beer for Evasion. To see how the Light Lager pours, check out the video below. If you’re reading this review the day of release, you can also find more video of it in the BGFB Insta stories (@glutenfreebeers).

The Taste Test

Gluten Free Light Lager

The Light Lager pours with a straw yellow color and a vigorous head. I brought this beer straight home from the store so it’s possible it got jostled around a bit before I opened it. Initially the beer was crystal clear, but it clouded up a bit once I dumped the last 10% into the glass. The carbonation is wild. The aroma is full of biscuit. 

The first sip reveals a beer just as crisp as the carbonation makes it look. The lager is bright and clean, while maintaining some bready grain flavors from the millet and a classic lager feel from the yeast.

The first thing you notice when the beer hits your tongue is the carbonation and the grains, then a bit of hoppiness washes over the tongue as the beer moves to the back of the palate. Then it finishes crisp, clear and a bit fruity. 

As the beer sits, the carbonation mellows out significantly, allowing more of the hop flavors to shine through. This lager is exactly what it’s promised to be though…LIGHT. It’s easy drinking and light on the ABV. 

Evasion markets this beer as the “lightest and cheapest” they’ve ever made. If you are a fan of light lagers…perhaps a Coors Light or Bud Light fan prior to going gluten free…than this is the beer for you!

dedicated gluten free light lager

This beer was clearly made for beer lovers who like to keep it light. But it’s also interesting enough to keep the rest of us drinking it if a light lager is what we’re craving…as a warm-up for our main course. 😆 In other words, I think this light lager is much better than a Bud Light, but would be a welcome replacement for those who miss their Anheuser-Busch.

I’m so grateful to see breweries branching out to meet all the niche needs that have gone unfulfilled in past years. We’re slowly but surely getting access to things like true stouts, gluten free “hefs” and light lagers. Something for everyone…


P.S. Like what I do for the gluten free beer community? Consider buying me a beer for my efforts! ;)

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