Best Gluten Free Beers

Hollows & Fentimans Ginger Beer

gluten free beer brands 2023

GF Ginger Brew From Across The Pond

A Gluten Free Beer Review

Hollows and Fentimans Ginger Beer. Have you ever heard of this UK company? I hadn’t. Which is funny because it clearly states on their bottle “BEWARE OF IMITATIONS!”. Really? Is that a real thing in the ginger beer world? Maybe it’s just because I’m from the States and don’t recognize the company’s wit. Anyway…

I was shopping in my local Whole Foods when I spotted this new brew on the gluten free beer shelf. The ingredients? Ginger root, water, sugar, pear juice, and yeast. I thought I’d give it a try and let you know what I thought!

Gluten Free Beer Review Hollows and Fentimans Ginger Beer

Hollows & Fentimans Ginger Beer

Slow Fermented Ginger Root Brew from North of England


This beer won’t stop fizzing. Seriously. I poured it over 10 minutes ago, and I can still hear the very audible sound of the fizzy bubbles from several feet away. I don’t know why I’m impressed…I just am. Hollows & Fentimans…you are carbonation wizards.

I expected this to be a sharp and spicy fruit beer, due to the combination of pear, ginger and sugar. I was [un]pleasantly surprised when I tool a sip. It’s all fruit, no beer. Which would be fine (in fact…expected, considering the ingredients)…if I could taste some of that ginger they’re referring to. It’s just…a lot of sweet.

Gluten Free Beer Review Hollows and Fentimans Ginger BeerWhen I think a good ginger brew, I think of one that has a bit of bite to it. I little heat, a little spice. That’s what gingers like. This tastes more like a sugary ginger soda, with a 4% ABV buzz.

I don’t mean to be harsh. It’s not that it tastes bad. It just doesn’t live up to its promise as a ginger beer. (It lives up to neither.)

I must admit, their branding is bold and their label is eye-catching, but I won’t be buying this beer again. I’m concerned about how I’m going to feel after drinking all 16 oz. I don’t tend to hand these sugary brews well.

I did a bit of research on their website. Turns out this is their only product! They also tout their brew as being ‘the real thing, unlike other so-called ginger beers’. I’m just confused…maybe I just got a bad batch? Hm.


We also reviewed the Unity Vibration Kombucha Ginger Beer awhile back!

Lindsi’s Review.    Katrina’s Review.



P.S. Like what I do for the gluten free beer community? Consider buying me a beer for my efforts! ;)

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1 month ago

We had a ginger beer plant and I love ginger beer. Hollows & Fentemans is excellent, much better than others on the market.

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