Best Gluten Free Beers

Ghostfish Brewing Mango Meets A Monk Sour Ale

gluten free beer brands 2023

Ghostfish Brewing Mango Meets A Monk Sour Ale

Co-Fermented American Sour with Saison and Sourvisiae Yeast

Today’s review is for Ghostfish Brewing’s Mango Meets A Monk Sour Ale, a co-fermented American Sour with Saison and Sourvisiae yeast. This is a 100% gluten free beer brewed in a dedicated gluten free brewery in Seattle, Washington.

First of all, I really like the new can design for 16 ounce limited releases. It has a sexy dark matte background and high contrast silver text. The type of seasonal contained within is identified by a neon yellow sticker placed on the front. (This one happened to be placed upside down!)

The Mango Meets A Monk Sour Ale contains gluten free certified oats, so if you have an aversion to oats or can’t tolerate due to Celiac, be sure to pass on this Ghostfish limited release. This sour has a 10 IBU and 6% ABV.

I feel like my fridge is suddenly inundated in sour ales. If sour is your jam, stay tuned because I have more gluten free sour reviews coming from the midwest too! For now, here is the Mango Meets A Monk pour…(full version on Patreon)

The Taste Test

Mango Meets A Monk Sour Ale

The Mango Meets A Monk Sour Ale pours with a hazy light yellow body, a substantial head, and very audible carbonation level. The visual and sound give it the impression of crispness. It’s a very attractive beer. 

The nose is fruity with light mango notes in the foreground. Apart from the fruity esters, the aroma is light and unobtrusive. The sour qualities don’t come through on the nose for me…but they sure do in the taste!

Mango Meets A Monk is tart and dry on the palate. It’s flavor profile is similar to that of a green mango. The carbonation is perfect, and it balances the sour by accompanying the acidity through the tasting experience. 

The first sip debuts a bubbly, sour, slightly salty mango flavor, which lightens as it moves through the palate, showcasing the lighter body, and finishing with a dry and refreshing fruity zing. 
Overall, I find this sour to be very approachable. I agree with Ghostfish’s description that it is pleasant and fairly easy drinking (for a sour). The body keeps things light, while the saison esters keep things interesting. 

gluten free sour ale

The sour isn’t overpowering or dominating, and it clears the palate pretty well in between sips. 
Drinking sours at this time of year always feels a bit odd to me, but this is a lovely one. The carbonation creates a beautiful visual presentation throughout the life of the beer, acting as a fountain up the center of the glass. 

I realize this is a limited release, and therefore likely has limited distribution, but if any of you have tried this one, let me know! Curious what you think of it, as always. :)

** One more reminder that this gluten free beer contains OATS, so be careful if you are sensitive to even certified GF oats.

P.S. Like what I do for the gluten free beer community? Consider buying me a beer for my efforts! ;)

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