Best Gluten Free Beers

Gluten Free Beer Brands On The East Coast

gluten free beer brands 2023

Gluten Free Beer Near Me – East Coast USA

East Coast Gluten Free Beers and Breweries

The Best Gluten Free Beers blog has readers from all over the world, but most of them are spread out across the United States. I’m personally based on the west coast, and a lot of west coast beers don’t make it to the eastern U.S. (but some do!) which leaves east coasters with some serious beer envy.

This article is for all the East-coasters out there that feel isolated from the gluten free craft beer scene. Your access may be more limited than those in the west, but honestly it’s a heck of a lot better than the access in northern and southern states. Easterners have several options for gluten free beer, some brewed locally, and some distributed from afar. This post will tell you what to look for in local stores, and what to ask for from bottle shops and bars.

gluten free beer on the east coast

This beer list includes over a dozen gluten free beer brands–most of which are actually located in the Eastern U.S., including several dedicated gluten free breweries, which are the absolute best option for those with Celiac Disease. The list reaches as far north as Vermont and as far south as North Carolina.

The distribution channels in place for gluten free beer are terrible, when they exist at all. In my opinion there is a huge gap in the distribution market…just waiting to be filled by someone who has both the connections and the passion to support and facilitate the booming gluten free market. (Not me–but if you’re interested, you should seriously consider it!)

Unfortunately, the southern states have been slow to join the gluten free table, so if you’re feeling neglected down there in Florida and Georgia…you are not alone. It may be time for a relocation based on beer access though. ;)

Gluten Free Beer Brands In The Eastern United States

When I first wrote an article about gluten free beer availability on the east coast, the pickings were extremely slim. So slim that instead of updating the article, I had to completely rewrite it. This brings me to the great news that there are WAY more gluten free beers accessible to east coasters than there was 5 years ago. As mentioned previously, some of the following breweries are *located* in eastern states. Others simply distribute to them.

Aurochs Brewing

Dedicated Gluten Free Brewery in Pennsylvania

This is one of my favorite gluten free breweries right here! Aurochs Brewing is a dedicated gluten free brewery located in Pittsburg Pennsylvania. They have a wide range of gluten free styles ranging from everything from Light Lagers to Porters. This company was founded by two brothers and is an absolute godsend for Celiacs in the east.

Aurochs Brewing Co gluten free beer brands

If you’re nearby, stop in at Aurochs Brewing’s tasting room and be sure to tell them Lindsi at Best Gluten Free Beers says hi! I absolutely adore their beer, which you can read about in the reviews below.

Red Leaf Gluten-Free Brewing

Dedicated Gluten Free Brewery in Vermont

Red Leaf is one of the country’s newest dedicated gluten free brewery, and it’s the very first in Vermont. I haven’t tried their beers yet but they seem to package a wide selection of styles. From what I gather, this brewery is extremely small, so I wouldn’t expect to find them far from where they’re produced, but if you have any friends in Vermont, send them over for a taste. (Be sure to come back and let me know what you thought!

red leaf gluten free brewing Vermont, USA

Check out this extensive lineup by Red Leaf Gluten-Free Brewing. I don’t expect that these are all packaged at one time, given how small their operation is–but there’s some fun ones in this bunch! I’m especially intrigued by the Maple Brown Ale and Vanilla Porter.

Departed Soles Brewing Co.

Gluten Free in New Jersey

I absolutely love this brewery. They brew both gluten free and gluten full beer, so be careful when making your drink choice, but Departed Soles takes Celiac-level precautions to ensure their beer is safe for everyone. About 40% of their beers are gluten free. I have yet to have a bad beer from these guys and their branding is like none other. Each of their cans is a trippy work of art in itself (see it for yourself below) filled with delicious gluten free beer.

departed soles brewing company gluten free beer

Departed Soles Brewing Co. began with two best friends who shared a dream to open a brewpub. One of them was killed in a car accident, which pushed the other to move forward with their shared vision in his memory. Hence, Departed Soles Brewing Co. Here’s a sample of some of the beers you can find at this New Jersey brewery:

B.C. Brewery

Gluten Free in Maryland

B.C. Brewery brews an entire line of gluten free beers in Hunt Valley, Maryland. They all share the same name, which I assume is to keep Celiacs safe from confusion. They brew a diverse selection of gluten frees including the:

  • Ceal Team Pale Ale
  • Ceal Team Amber Ale
  • Ceal Team Belgian Quad
  • Ceal Team Saison
  • Ceal Team Blonde
  • Ceal Team Cantaloupe Sour
  • Ceal Team Stout
  • Ceal Team Session IPA
B.C. Brewery gluten free beer

Steadfast Beer Co.

Gluten Free in New York

Steadfast Beer Co. is located in Albany, New York. They make a handful of gluten free beers using sorghum, rice, honey, molasses and oats. They currently have an IPA, an Oatmeal Cream Stout, a Pale Ale and a Blonde Ale. Their gluten free beers are distributed throughout the Northeastern United States, so check their website to see if there is a retailer near you.

Steadfast Beer Co.

Blueprint Brewing Company

Gluten Free in Pennsylvania

There are currently 3 gluten free beers brewed by Blueprint Brewing Company in Harleysville, Pennsylvania. They also brew gluten full beers, so be sure to choose carefully when ordering! Blueprint’s gluten free offerings include the Elvis White Ale, a Blue Skies Pale Ale, and a Tribal Stout.

Blueprint Brewing Company Gluten Free Beer

Element Brewing Company

Gluten Free in Massachusetts

Element Brewing Company is unique because they are the only brewery on this list that brews an IPA/Sake Hyprid. That’s right! The Element Brewing Plasma is a gluten free hybrid style beer that blends qualities of an India Pale Ale with that of Sake. I have never had this beer, so I can’t comment on its taste, but it’s definitely the only one of its kind on this entire blog.

element brewery company plasma ipa sake

Ipswich Ale Brewery

Gluten Free in Massachusetts

Ipswich Ale Brewery makes a gluten free beer called Celia Saison and it has been around for some time. I reviewed it years ago here on the blog, but if they’ve changed the recipe at all in the last 5 years, it may be a bit dated. The Celia Saison is the only gluten free beer at Ipswich, so stay clear of their other glutenous offerings.

gluten free beer on the east coast gluten free breweries on the east coast

Armored Cow Brewing

Gluten Free in North Carolina

Armored Cow Brewing is located in Charlotte, North Carolina and makes two different gluten free beers, the Whole lotta Rosie Blonde Ale and the Hell Yeah NEIPA. I haven’t tasted either of them yet, but they’re the only two gluten free beers I know of brewed in North Carolina. If visiting this brewery, be sure to remember that they brew glutenous beers too–so stick to the two listed above!

Armored Cow Brewing gluten free

Rolling Mill Brewing Co.

Dedicated Gluten Free Brewery in Ohio

Rolling Mill Brewing Co. is the first dedicated gluten free brewery to open in Ohio. You can find them in the historical industrial district of Middletown, where they have restored an old manufacturing plant to serve as their brewhouse.

Rolling Mill Brewing Company Middletown Ohio

This brewery has been around since 2016 but due to its location and limited distribution network, I only just recently got my hands on their flagship beers. Each of their beers has a story behind the name which Rolling Mills shares on their website. You can find all sorts of fun rotating styles in their taproom and you can check out their year-round styles below.

  • 10-09 German Pilsner

Dedicated Gluten Free Breweries That Distribute To The Eastern United States

All of the brands listed below are dedicated gluten free breweries that distribute beer to the eastern USA. Many of the breweries that distribute their beers out of state have beer finders on their websites that will help you locate current retailers–but don’t let that limit you. ASK your local retailers to stock the beers you want to buy, especially if you find out that they have a distributor in your state or their product in a store nearby.


Brewed in Quebec, Canada

Just across the border in Quebec is one of the most widely distributed gluten free beer brands in North America. Glutenberg is a dedicated gluten free brewery located in Montréal, but their beers can be purchased across the USA. I’m not quite sure what the secret is to their extensive distribution, but I’m not complaining because they’ve made their way all the way to west coast to Bend, OR.

glutenberg gluten free beer

Glutenberg carries a wide selection of gluten free beer styles and they may be the only brewery I know of that brews and packages a non-alcoholic gluten free beer. I haven’t had it before, but I think it’s fantastic that they brew it. I myself have never been in the market for this style, but I get plenty of emails from readers that are seeking out a gluten free non-alcoholic beer alternative.

Here’s a few Glutenberg beers to keep your eyes out for:

Ghostfish Brewing Company

Brewed in Seattle, Washington

Ghostfish Brewery was the first dedicated gluten free brewery to open in Seattle Washington, back in 2015. They are now the only one again, as Seattle’s second GF brewery was a casualty of Covid-19 and the year we call 2020. Lucky for us, Ghostfish Brewing Company is a Celiac’s heaven. They have an absolutely gorgeous brewhouse in the industrial district of Seattle and their taproom overlooks the whole brewing operation so you can watch the magic happen as you sip a gluten free brew.

ghostfish brewing company dedicated gluten free brewery

Ghostfish Brewing has an extensive selection of beer styles, many of which have been heavily awarded over the years. They began distributing to the east coast a few years back and now there are several eastern states that enjoy access to Ghostfish beers. Check out some of my reviews below to get a good idea of Ghostfish’s gluten free offerings:

Ground Breaker Brewing

Brewed in Portland, Oregon

The first ever dedicated gluten free brewery in the country was born in Portland, Oregon. Originally named Harvestor Brewing, Ground Breaker Brewing has been winning medals with their gluten free beer since the beginning. They stand out from other gluten free breweries because of their use of chestnuts and lentils in their gluten free beers.

ground breaker brewing beer dedicated gluten free brewery

Ground Breaker was the brewery that gave me beer back. I had been searching for years and had found nothing that I considered drinkable until my first Ground Breaker Dark Ale. My discovery of that beer is what planted the seed for this blog. Once I learned I didn’t have to give up beer forever, I wanted other beer lovers to know it too!

I have clearly spent a LOT fo time tasting and reviewing Ground Breaker beers, as you can see below… :)

P.S. Like what I do for the gluten free beer community? Consider buying me a beer for my efforts! ;)

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2 years ago

Silly Yak Beer Company just opened in Maryland as of 2022. They are a completely dedicated GF brewery too.

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