Best Gluten Free Beers

Ghostfish Brewing Meteor Shower Blonde Ale

gluten free beer brands 2023

Meteor Shower Blonde Ale

A Lighter Offering From Ghostfish Brewing

Up next is the Meteor Shower Blonde Ale by Ghostfish Brewing. This Seattle-based dedicated gluten free brewery finally began distributing to my town recently. It has me pretty excited as the brews of theirs I’ve tried thus far have been top notch.

Ghostfish Brewing Meteor Shower Blonde Ale - Gluten Free Beer Review

I’m expecting today’s ale to be the lightest Ghostfish I’ve tried yet. The Meteor Shower is a sorghum-free ale, built on malted millet and rice. At only 18 IBU and 4.5% ABV, this one truly clocks in as Ghostfish’s mildest beer.  It’s one of their year-round offerings, sold in 4-packs of 12 oz. cans.


The Taste Test

Meteor Shower Blonde Ale

As this blonde ale hits the glass, I am immediately taken by it’s bright yellow. It’s hue is quite vibrant. It’s head is light. You can see it vanish within the time span of the pour video. Upon first taste, I have two reactions. First is, I don’t know why anyone would drink a blonde ale. Lol. Second is, thank goodness this ale exists for all the non-hopheads in the Pacific Northwest. I think there’s some. ;) 

Ghostfish Brewing Meteor Shower Blonde Ale - Gluten Free Beer Review

The Meteor Shower is exactly what you would expect from a Blonde Ale. It’s light, unoffensive, and refreshing. It still boasts some flavor and the body actually carries some texture to it, a unique treat for such a light brew. Again, there is no sorghum backbone to offer a funky aftertaste, so I would label this beer very easy-drinking.

This beer is the exact opposite of every Ghostfish ale I’ve tried yet. Which tells me that Ghostfish really can meet the full spectrum of craft beer demand. Since their entire brewery is a dedicated facility, it gives wonderful peace of mind to those of us who can suffer from even mild contamination.

Ghostfish Brewing Meteor Shower Blonde Ale - Gluten Free Beer Review

I can’t really imagine a scenario where I would choose this blonde ale over their Vanishing Point Pale Ale, but that’s because I’m obsessed with hops and blondes aren’t my thing. ;)

The Meteor Shower Blonde Ale is for all of you that are tired of reading my reviews of IPAs and dark ales. It’s light and pleasant and made for those who don’t like it bitter.


Until next week…Cheers!

P.S. Like what I do for the gluten free beer community? Consider buying me a beer for my efforts! ;)

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