Best Gluten Free Beers

Ghostfish Brewing Shrouded Summit Belgian White Ale

gluten free beer brands 2023

A Belgian White From Ghostfish

Brewed in Seattle, Washington

I know we’ve had a lot of Ghostfish Brewing reviews lately, but that’s because I’m playing catch up! They recently started distributing near me, so I was able to get my hands on a bunch of new flavors to share with you all!

Today’s review is of Ghostfish’s Shrouded Summit Belgian White Ale (yep, it’s a mouthful). This is one of Ghostfish Brewing’s lighter options, clocking in at 20 IBU and 4.8% ABV. The Shrouded Summit is one of 6 flagship offerings brewed in this Seattle brewery. The base of this ale comes from a combination of malted buckwheat, millet, and rice. I must say, I tend to love beers brewed with buckwheat and millet, so I have high hopes for this one!

The Taste Test

Shrouded Summit Belgian White Ale

Okay…first things first. The Shrouded Summit Belgian White Ale cans ARE AWESOME. They have a tabbed lid that allows you to drink the beer two different ways. You can either pop the tab and drink it like any other canned beer, or you can pierce and peel with the tab, completely removing the lid, leaving behind an aluminum beer cup. I love it. It makes drinking beer from a can feel classier somehow.

Anyway, back to the beer itself…let’s taste this Shrouded Summit Belgian White Ale! 

The head on this beer is impressive. It doesn’t pour with a very thick one, but what it does have sticks around, seemingly forever. It’s been sitting in front of me for 10 minutes now as I got myself organized to write this, and there is no less foam than when I first poured it.  In fact, the bubbles have multiplied, and become smaller and more creamy looking…looks like the top of a latte (I was a barista once upon a time, so I’ve stared at some foam in my day). And yes…I did try and draw a design in the beer foam. 

The color is a slightly hazy pale yellow. You can tell by the yeasty aroma that this is a Belgian beer. It tastes bright, crisp and citrusy. Ghostfish does an amazing job with the body of their beers. Even the lighter ales carry a substantial texture. The carbonation is strong and refreshing.

Ghostfish Brewing Shrouded Summit Belgian White Ale Gluten Free Beer Review

I would recommend this ale to anyone who misses a good witbier. Yeasty farmhouse ale lovers…this one’s for you. To be completely honest, this is not my preferred style of beer, but this brew is really good. I would reach for it again. Especially if I wanted a lighter option with more character than a blonde ale.

I am so glad we’ve reached the day where a gluten free witbier is no longer an outrageous request. There aren’t many breweries tackling this style with such game, but Ghostfish was up to this Everest-like challenge. I would say they succeeded at reaching the Shrouded Summit. ;)


Can’t wait to see what Ghostfish Brewing has up their sleeves for this summer’s seasonals!



Ghostfish Brewing Shrouded Summit Belgian White Ale Gluten Free Beer Review



P.S. Like what I do for the gluten free beer community? Consider buying me a beer for my efforts! ;)

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