Best Gluten Free Beers

Aurochs Brewing Light Lager

gluten free beer brands 2023

A Light Lager Brewed By Aurochs Brewing

A Gluten Free Light Lager

I bet a lot of you are really going to appreciate this review. I receive messages ALL the time from readers looking to replace their go-to light lager. Since I live in the PNW, many of the beers I have access to end up being hop bombs with lots of body and flavor. But sometimes the day calls for something lighter, and today’s review is just that.

Aurochs Brewing Light Lager

Aurochs Brewing now brews (and packages) an 85 calorie beer, a gluten free Light Lager brewed from malted millet and quinoa. It has an incredibly light ABV. At only 3.4%, you could drink these babies all day!

The Aurochs Light Lager clocks in at 10 IBU and is brewed with Hallertau, Tattnang, and Saaz hops, all of which are traditional noble hops cultivated in Europe and known for their use in classic lagers. Here is the beer pour for Aurochs Brewing’s Light Lager–but make sure to read to the end of the review, because this beer set some records…

The Taste Test

Aurochs Light Lager

The Aurochs Light Lager pours with a sunshine gold color and an absolutely amazing head that is still sitting on the glass 10 minutes later. It has that classic cold lager-at-the-end-of-the-bar look. This gluten free lager is crystal clear and seems to have a good level of carbonation. The foam is very fine and cloud-like. 

It smells malty smooth and clean. Its carbonation is plentiful and very audible. My first sip reveals a refreshingly crisp and mellow classic lager taste. The carbonation hits first, then the malt body washes over the taste buds and finishes with very little bitterness or sweetness. It’s easy-drinking and has a very light body.

I never thought I would hear myself say this, but this gluten free light lager is fantastic. I am hardly a lager person—let alone a light lager…but I love it! What a PERFECT summer day (or any day) beer. The light ABV certainly makes it perfect for the heat.

Ok. So this beer tastes great, but you want to know the most impressive thing about it?! It carried a head until the very last sip, and even then, there was foam sitting in the bottom of the glass. This has never happened to me with ANY gluten free beer…EVER.

I honestly didn’t know if you’d believe me so I took a few extra photos to show what it looked like 50% gone then 95% gone. This beer has the longest lasting head in the gluten free universe. 

My only complaint about this beer is that it’s brewed 3000 miles away from me. But lucky for me (and so many others)…Aurochs ships! Your state laws will determine whether you’re eligible for online ordering, so you’ll have to check in individually on that one. (Maybe one day we will be able to freely ship alcohol across state lines without concern for varying legalities.)

For now, I highly recommend anyone who misses their light lagers to find a way to this beer. It’s one of the best out there, in my humble opinion.

P.S. Like what I do for the gluten free beer community? Consider buying me a beer for my efforts! ;)

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