Best Gluten Free Beers

Glutenberg IPA

gluten free beer brands 2023

Canadian Gluten Free IPA by Glutenberg

Our First Canadian Beer Review!

This is my first review of Glutenberg, a craft brewery based in Québec Canada. I know this is a brand that many on the east coast have access to, but I only gained access to it in recent weeks when Glutenberg began distributing around Oregon. I am always so excited when new brands hit my local market, and I am even more thrilled to bring you Best Gluten Free Beers very first Canadian beer review.

Glutenberg IPA Canadian Beer Review

Glutenberg makes many different styles of beer in Montreal, including 5 year-round offerings. The flagship lineup includes a blonde, an american pale ale, a red, an IPA, and a white ale. So far I’ve only found 2 in stores near me. They also brew several seasonals, and a couple more that are only available in Canada.

Buy Glutenberg Beers Online

The first style up for review from Glutenberg is their India Pale Ale, which comes in a tall 16 ounce green can. I got to say, I am a big fan of 16 ounce cans these days. They are a truly satisfying size. I hesitate before I open 22’s because it’s quite the commitment. And usually 12 ounce cans are just short of enough. I enjoy being able to get the same buzz as you would from downing a pint at the pub.

Glutenberg IPA Canadian Beer Review

If you’ve ever checked out the Glutenberg website, you may have found the badass page they have explaining the gluten free brewing process. It is visual and informative and very transparent–which I love. This brewery stands behind the true values of gluten free beer–by making beer from 100% gluten free ingredients, ensuring that no beer ever exceeds 0.0 PPM, making it safe for even the most sensitive of Celiac beer lovers.

Glutenberg Beer Best Gluten Free Beers Gluten Free Brewing

The Taste Test

India Pale Ale

The Glutenberg IPA pours a cloudy golden yellow (it’s slightly lighter in color than it looks in the photos, thanks to the lighting in my kitchen) and seems to have a healthy carbonation level. Keep your eye on our Instagram @glutenfreebeers for the pour video! It forms a light head that sticks around pretty well as I write.

The first sip surprises me. It has a sharp malty sweetness that slowly gives in to the bitterness of the hops, both of which linger on the palate long after swallow. The body is lighter than most of my go-to IPAs, but the taste packs a punch. This India Pale Ale sits at 76 IBU, with a 6% ABV.

Glutenberg IPA Canadian Beer Review

The carbonation is pleasant and the beer is crisp and interesting. After taking it in for awhile, I’m going to say that it is slightly on the sweet and carmely side for me. I’m sure it’s a quality that some really like, but I tend to prefer the drier side of the flavor range.

The Glutenberg IPA utilizes millet, buckwheat, corn and black rice. Quite an interesting combination to contribute to the body and flavor profile of this beer. This is the first time I’ve noticed a GF brewery specifically using black rice. I wonder how it differs in brew qualities…

Glutenberg IPA Canadian Beer Review

I have gotten my hand on one other Glutenberg beer so far, the American Pale Ale, which will be reviewed soon. I haven’t tried it yet, but I’m excited to crack it open!

Have you tried any of Glutenberg’s beers? I am curious how you like them. I’m also curious what other states have been newly added to the Glutenberg distribution network. Maybe you should check in with them and see if you have new access in your home state. If they’ve made it all the way to Oregon, there should be hope for everyone!

If you live in Canada, I’d love to hear from you about what other gluten free beer brands you enjoy. Shoot me a message!

Buy Glutenberg Beer

P.S. Like what I do for the gluten free beer community? Consider buying me a beer for my efforts! ;)

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6 years ago

I want to know, why glutemberg india pale if it is 100 % gf. The word certified is missing?

7 years ago

I picked up the Pale Ale, Red Ale and IPA while I was visiting North Carolina a few weeks ago. I immediately fell I love with the Pale Ale and recently popped open the IPA which I liked just a tad less…I think it’s a flavor related to the buckwheat that is a little off-putting. I’ve yet to open the Red Ale—waiting for a special occasion!

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