Best Gluten Free Beers

Divine Science Brewing Moka Diosa Stout

gluten free beer brands 2023

Moka Diosa Stout by Divine Science Brewing

Gluten Free Stout Brewed in California

Another day, another stout! I’m excited to bring you a gluten free stout from California today, the Moka Diosa Stout brewed by Divine Science Brewing. It’s packaged in 16 oz. cans and distributed in Southern California. This is only the third review I’ve done for Divine Science beers. Look back to find reviews of their Event Horizon Blonde Ale and Third Contact IPA.

The Moka Diosa Stout is brewed on rice, millet, buckwheat, and lentils–a classic trick from Ground Breaker’s playbook. This stout’s ingredient list also features cacao nibs and coffee. It’s ABV lands at just 4.8%, which may be one of the lowest ABV stouts I’ve ever reviewed!

Below you can find the pour video for the Moka Diosa and below that you can find the full review .

The Taste Test

Moka Diosa Stout

The Moka Diosa Stout pours a bit lighter than I expected with a reddish brown hue and a handsome head that leaves slowly. This stout lets a lot of light through, and when held up to it, the beer takes on a harvest red color.

The aroma is absolutely saturated with cacao and coffee. Those cacao nibs really shine through here, and I can’t wait to see how much of it transfers to the palate. Despite the darker color, the beer’s clarity seems to be very high. Once the head bubbles down, a thin ring of bubbles is left alongside the class. 

My first impression of the Moka Diosa is that it is quite a bit lighter than I anticipated. It is bright, crisp and hoppy at the beginning, then its light body carries all the coffee and chocolate tones across the taste buds to the throat where you’re left with a roast-heavy malt and mild bitterness. 

This is a very easy drinking beer, body-wise, but it packs a serious punch in the aroma and taste department. The body confuses my palate a bit but the flavors are great! As my beer drinks down a bit, I can’t help but notice it looks more like a red ale than a stout…but then I take another whiff and am reminded it is indeed a stout.

Divine Science Brewing Moka Diosa Stout

The Moka Diosa would be a great gluten free stout to enjoy in the summer when you can’t quite stomach the thick milky body that many stouts possess. Come to think of it, this stout IS brewed in Southern California where it’s pretty damn warm year round. Maybe that’s why they chose a light bodied recipe that they can actually market to their local customers. 😜

Either way, this is a fun new release for those in the Southwest. I realize Divine Science is still a very small brewery, but they’ve had some big accounts (including Disney!) so I would love to hear from any of you who’ve been lucky enough to taste their beers. You know what to do…drop your thoughts below.


P.S. Like what I do for the gluten free beer community? Consider buying me a beer for my efforts! ;)

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