Best Gluten Free Beers

Holidaily Brewing Favorite Blonde Ale

gluten free beer brands 2023

Gluten Free Favorite Blonde Ale

Colorado’s Favorite Blonde…Ale

I am thrilled to be writing my very first review for Holidaily Brewing Co. Holidaily is one of over a dozen dedicated gluten free breweries in the country. Their beer is brewed and canned in Golden Colorado.

A while back, Best Gluten Free Beers published a guest review for Holidaily Brewing’s taproom, written by Jason Nelson. While I have yet to visit the taproom myself, I have managed to get my hands on a few of their brews for review.

Today we will be tasting the Holidaily Brewing Favorite Blonde Ale. This ale was named after Holidaily’s founder Karen Hertz. Her grandfather used to call her his “favorite blonde”. This blonde ale is packaged in a 16 oz. tall yellow can. 

Karen’s grandfather was an optomitrist and if you look closely at the label, you’ll notice small print numbers that turn the boxy label into an eye chart, and stick figure drawings of an optometrist’s office.

The Taste Test

Holidaily Brewing Favorite Blonde Ale

The Holidaily Brewing Favorite Blonde Ale poured a very pale yellow  with an impressive head that I clearly poured too rough. The head lasted some time before I was able to do a solid top-off. Carbonation looks good and the beer is incredibly transparent. It’s so light it almost takes on the hue of whatever behind it in the proper light. 

The beer smells light and clean to me, and that’s exactly what it tastes like. This beer is just that…wonderfully simple and perfectly unoffensive. It’s not malty. The hops are extremely light. Zero bitterness (we’re talking 20 IBUs here). I also detect a gentle citrus undertone in this brew.

This beer is brewed on a base of millet and buckwheat. The lightness of the flavor profile has me wondering how light of a roast (if any) they utilize with the grain. It’s 5% ABV is light–but not the lightest in the Holidaily lineup. (The Buckwit has a 4.8% ABV.)

It’s insanely easy to drink this Holidaily Blonde because everything about this beer is mild. It is extremely balanced. Nothing competes or overpowers anything else. Even the carbonation is mild. I think this beer would be deeply loved by all you light beer drinkers.

As you know, I am not a light beer lover…but I’m going to say it again–this beer is wildly unoffensive. I don’t know what to complain about because it lives up to everything it’s supposed to be. It has me even more excited to taste their other canned offerings though, which includes an IPA, a Buckwit Belgian, and a Riva Stout (woohoo!).


P.S. Like what I do for the gluten free beer community? Consider buying me a beer for my efforts! ;)

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2 years ago

Can I get this in Alberta?

3 years ago

my first time tasting FAVorite Blonde!
I am so happy to find a good light beer that is gluten free! I live in Phoenix and sitting by the pool on a really hot day enjoying this 🍺!!

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