Best Gluten Free Beers

Ground Breaker Brewing 7th Ave. Saison

gluten free beer brands 2023

Guten Free 7th Ave. Saison

100% Gluten Free Saison Brewed in Portland

Another new review from Ground Breaker Brewing. I hope you aren’t tired of reading Ground Breaker reviews, because I’m sure as hell not tired of tasting them. This time we’re taking a look at their Saison, a seasonal offering sold in 22 oz. bottles.

A saison style beer is a refreshing and spicy beer that originated in the French-speaking part of Belgium. It is a type of ale that is brewed with a specific yeast strain and has a high carbonation level, giving it a crisp and effervescent taste.

This time I had my friend Deven join me for the taste test. Plus, it’s always nice to have a second opinion on a beer style that isn’t your typical crush. Since I’m not typically a Saison lover, let’s widen the palate for this review, shall we?

gluten free beer reviews ground breaker brewing 7th ave saison

This Saison carries on the tradition of being a lighter ABV pale ale, boasting only a 4.7% ABV. This “style” of beer (it’s variations make it hard to call it a style) originated in Belgium and contained lower alcohol levels so that farmers could drink it throughout the work day.

Another typical quality of the Saison is that it is often bottle conditioned. Now, I am not sure if this is the case for the Ground Breaker Saison—BUT I will say this. I opened two 22 oz. bottles of the Saison–different batches purchased at different stores at very different times. The cap literally flew off the bottle both times. It sounded like a had popped a couple champagne bottles. I will also admit that the second popped cap hit me scare in the jaw. (Ouch. Lol…proceed with caution.)

The Taste Test

Ground Breaker Brewing 7th Avenue Saison

The brew itself pours a cloudy orange color and has a beautiful long-lasting head. It has a mild scent–a little sweet, a little hoppy, and a little bit fruity. It smells mellow, like a lager.

As mentioned previously, the carbonation is high. The last pour of the bottle still boasts frothy white bubbles along the top, even 10 minutes after hitting the glass.

This is certainly a flavor-packed beer. Not exactly my favorite style, but it’s crisp and easy to drink. Its medium body goes down smooth, yet its flavorful profile might fool you into thinking it had a higher ABV.

gluten free beer reviews ground breaker brewing 7th ave saison
Sorry I didn’t take this photo earlier when the head was fresh!


Overall, I’d deem this Saison a very pleasant summer ale. A good choice for an afternoon beer in the middle of your busy day. :)

Now, let’s see what Deven thought…

Deven’s Notes:

Fruity, full-bodied smell that definitely enhanced the drinking experience. Loved the upfront notes of peachiness, hops and a light middle palette tang. Did not love a slightly metallic aftertaste, but overall enjoyed drinking this beverage and would definitely indulge again. I would love to see more gluten free breweries experimenting with seasonal delights!


P.S. Like what I do for the gluten free beer community? Consider buying me a beer for my efforts! ;)

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[…] For more about the history and farm-based creation of the Saison style, check out our review of the 7th Ave. Saison. […]


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