Best Gluten Free Beers

Rolling Mill Brewing Co. Two Goldens American Lager

gluten free beer brands 2023

Rolling Mill Brewing Co. Two Goldens American Lager

Gluten Free American Lager

I’ve finally gotten my hands on some Rolling Mill Brewing Co. beers and I couldn’t be more excited. As of writing (2021) Rolling Mill Brewing is Ohio’s ONLY dedicated gluten free brewery and I have yet to taste their beers until this very day.

Rolling Mill Brewing Two Goldens Lager

Rolling Mill Brewing Company is located in a historic industrial space in Middletown Ohio. They have a dedicated gluten free brewery and tasting room where they sling gluten free beers and bites.

I got my hands on, what I believe to be, all 3 of their packaged offerings. The big question today was…which to try first?! Their beers are packaged in 16 ounce cans and they include the Two Goldens American Lager, the Anti-Federalist American Pale Ale, and the 10-09 German Pilsner.

Naturally, I chose to open the can with Golden Retrievers on it first…duh! Anyone who’s been following this blog for longer than a review or two is bound to notice my obsession with Goldens, including mine. (Who is now 15 years and 8 months, by the way!)

Two Goldens American Lager...modeled by my Golden.

The Two Goldens American Lager has a 4.2% ABV and a 16 IBU. Interestingly, Rolling Mill doesn’t appear to display the beer’s ingredients on the can, but I reached out to them to inquire about the malts they use. Rolling Mill Brewing Company uses gluten free rice, millet, and buckwheat malts to brew their beers.

According to Rolling Mill’s website, this American Lager was named after two of Middletown’s greatest Goldens: Doc and Patton. What a beautiful tribute. Dogs and beer. My two favorite things. 
I believe it’s time to move forward and see what this gluten free American Lager looks and tastes like! Below is the pour video. Scroll further to find my review.

The Taste Test

Two Goldens American Lager

The Two Goldens American Lager pours with a rich and beautiful golden hue and a very noisy head that bubbles away in the first minute or so. The body has decent clarity, but holds a wee bit of haze. 

It smells like a crisp and malty lager. It smells light, but has a flavorful aroma–if that makes any sense. The taste reflects a super light bodied, easy-drinking lager that has a mild-moderate carbonation level, the latter of which surprised me a bit, as it had such an audible pour. 

When this gluten free lager first hits your lips you taste an incredibly clean and crisp brightness that has very little malt flavor at first. This changes as the Two Goldens Lager washes over your taste buds, presenting more and more toasty malt flavors as it makes its way to the back of the palate. It finishes dry and the palate quickly resets with little-to-no lingering flavors. 

This lager is lovely. It’s thirst-quenching, light, and easy-drinking and I can’t find much to complain about honestly. I suppose my one wish is that it would hold a bit more foamy texture at the top of the glass once the full head bubbles down. 

The bitterness is non-existent (only 16 IBU) and the mouthfeel is really nice. There’s flavor and substance to this light-bodied lager and I think it makes an excellent year-round offering. The light ABV keeps the buzz mild, which is great because it would be very easy to drink several of these.

Rolling Mill Brewing Two Goldens Lager

This is my first taste of Rolling Mills Brewing Co. and it has me excited to try their others! I plan to taste the German Pilsner next, because I don’t find many gluten free Pilsners in my fridge.

I am dying to know what you mid-westerners think of this Two Goldens Lager, and all the other offerings from Rolling Mill Brewing Company. If you’ve had it, please comment your review below. If you’re interested in that gluten free German Pilsner or Pale Ale, stay tuned…those reviews will drop soon!

For now, check out the (guest post) taproom review of Rolling Mill Brewing Co., written by Best Gluten Free Beers reader Neil Rupp.

P.S. Like what I do for the gluten free beer community? Consider buying me a beer for my efforts! ;)

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