Best Gluten Free Beers

Ghostfish Brewing Gosefish Hibiscus-Cranberry Ale

gluten free beer brands 2023

Gosefish: A Hibiscus-Cranberry Ale

Gluten Free Gose Brewed by Ghostfish Brewing

This is a pretty special review. Why? Because this Gosefish is the first GF Gose I’ve ever gotten my hands on. First of all, many of you gluten free-ers may be wondering…what exactly is a Gose ale?

Gose: pronounced like goes with an “uh” at the end ― is an ancient wheat beer style with a sour finish that hails from Goslar, Germany. Though it’s no longer brewed in Goslar, Gose owes its salty flavor to the high salinity of the river Gose, which was originally used to brew the beer. 

Ghostfish Brewing 2021 Gosefish

Goses are characterized by their sour and salty flavor. Needless to say, this is a style not often attempted by gluten free brewers. A typical Gose contains at least a 50% grain bill of malted wheat. Quite the quest to turn this into a gluten free-from-scratch creation.

This gluten free Gose is a seasonal release that changes from year to year. Below you will find several reviews of the Gosefish written by me over the years. But first, let’s take a look at the most recent release’s beer pour!

The 2021 Taste Test

Gluten Free Gose with Hibiscus and Cranberry

5% ABV – 8 IBU

It appears that the 2021 release is the first time I’m reviewing Gosefish in a can! Originally this beer was packaged in 22 ounce bombers, but you can now find it in 16 ounce cans. This year’s release is brewed on buckwheat, millet, rice, and quinoa. It also includes cranberry puree, hibiscus, and coriander, another classic ingredient in German Goses.

The color of this year’s Gosefish is unbelievable bright! It’s the same electric red as hibiscus flowers, and it pours with an enormous head that was certainly provoked by my down-the-middle pour. The aroma is filled with flowery sour notes. It’s the type of sour you can smell.

Much like its appearance, this gluten free Gose’s flavor is bright and fruity. There’s some salty sweetness in the flavor, and the sourness comes off fairly mild in the taste. No bitterness, just salty, sweet, and sour.

When the Gosefish meets your lips, you notice the carbonation and cranberry flavors first. Then the floral notes take over and the sour texture sets in. It has a medium mouthfeel as there’s a lot going on in the texture department. The Gose finishes fruity and salty. Its complex in nature, but still drinks light.

I find this release very refreshing and mild on everything–sweetness, sourness, saltiness, bitterness etc. The only thing not mild about this beer is its fruitiness and its visual appearance, which is electric and oh-so summery.

Ghostfish Brewing 2021 Gosefish

At 5% ABV and only 8 IBU, this is a nice beer for hot afternoons and pre-dinner thirst quenchers. I’m a fan of the balance Ghostfish has found in their 2021 release. Appearance, aroma, and taste all rank high in this brew. There’s nothing too overpowering, which should allow it to appeal to many.

HOT TIP: Don’t forget to pour it in a glass and appreciate its looks! ;)

The 2018 Taste Test

Another Year For Gore

A year has gone by since I last reviewed Ghostfish Brewing’s Gosefish. I figure it’s time to pop open a bottle of this year’s seasonal to compare. Now I can’t exactly taste them side by side for a true comparison since last year’s batch is long gone, but I will do my best!

Right away I notice the pour is very different than last year. The 2018 Gosefish has a cloudy pink color, whereas last years was clear and bright. You can’t see through this year’s Gose at all, which contrasts from my prior experience with this beer. It’s head–or lack thereof–does mirror last year’s brew though. I’m not noticing much of a change there.

2017 vs. 2018 Compared

I’m going to be totally honest here. This 2018 Gosefish hasn’t quite won me over the way last year’s did. It’s different. I had hoped for more sour this year, but instead I feel like it’s a little less sour and also a bit less salty. Hmm.

It’s still a light and refreshing brew to pop open on a hot day, but the flavors just aren’t as well defined as last year. The crispness isn’t quite the same because the flavors seem a little muddled. It’s fruity, very fruity. But it doesn’t have that sour quality that makes your tongue stick to the roof of the mouth, you know? In fact, it’s more tart than sour.

Ghostfish Brewing Gosefish Hibiscus-Cranberry Ale
2018 Gosefish

Over the years, recipes can change, or brewing processes can be altered. I DO know that Ghostfish is sourcing their cranberries from a different farm this year, but I don’t quite think that’s the change I’m detecting. What do YOU think of this year’s Gose? I would love to hear your thoughts. Please comment them below.

The 2017 Taste Test

Hibiscus Cranberry Gose

It pours a crystal clear ruby red color. You can read the Gosefish bottle through the brew.  Its head evaporated quickly after I poured it. The aroma is sharp, tart and fruity. Mmmm…smells like summer!

Ghostfish Brewing Gosefish Hibiscus-Cranberry Ale
2017 Gosefish

This Gosefish brings me back to Mexico, where they drink homemade Hibiscus iced teas on the regular. I feel like it’s not as common in the States, but the hibiscus and cranberry notes in this Gosefish are delightful! It’s flavor has a soft sweetness but is dominated by sour and salty characteristics. The saltiness makes me feel like I’m near the ocean. (I’m actually 4,000 feet up in the high desert, so I obviously have quite the imagination.)

This Ghostfish Brewing creation is brewed with a combination of malted millet, malted rice, and quinoa grains. It also contains coriander, which is typical of the Gose style. It’s a very unique beer…probably one of those ales that fall in the “you either love it, or you hate it” category. In my case, I LOVE IT. I would happily drink this sour all summer.

Ghostfish Brewing Gosefish Hibiscus-Cranberry Ale
2017 Gosefish

It’s available during the summer in 22 ounce bottles, or by growler fill. If you consider yourself a salt–or sour lover, you’re definitely going to want to get your hands on this brew. It’s a one-of-a-kind in my opinion. Well done Ghostfish Brewing…you conquered yet another challenging style of wheat beer–the gluten free way. You deserve a Gosefish!

Ghostfish Brewing Gosefish Hibiscus-Cranberry Ale
2018 Gosefish

More Ghostfish Brewing Reviews:

Shrouded Summit Witbier

Meteor Shower Blonde Ale

Kai Dog Amber Ale

Vanishing Point Pale Ale

P.S. Like what I do for the gluten free beer community? Consider buying me a beer for my efforts! ;)

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