Best Gluten Free Beers

Ghostfish Brewing Resilient Dry Hopped Tart IPA

gluten free beer brands 2023

Resilient Dry Hopped Tart IPA

Brewed by Ghostfish Brewing

Today’s review is for the Resilient Dry Hopped Tart IPA by Ghostfish Brewing. I am extremely excited to taste this beer. It hits all my favorite categories: bitter, hoppy, and tart. It seems like more of a spring or summer beer style to me, but I’m happy to drink them ANY time of year.

This limited release IPA is packaged in 16 ounce cans that have waves of elemental colors. The backside of the label offers a detailed explanation behind the cause that this beer benefits. (I read it aloud in the full Patreon pour video.) In summary, the Resilient Dry Hopped Tart IPA is named after the brave men and women battling the incurable ALS (a progressive neuromuscular disease that effects nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord).

This beer contains a number of experimental hops from Loftus Ranches and YCH HOPS (both located in Yakima, Washington) in addition to some well-known hops like Mosaic and Simcoe. The Resilient IPA is brewed on a base of pale malted millet, pale malted rice, and pale malted buckwheat.

Following is a video of the beer’s pour. This one is sped up to fit social media time limits, but I post the full pours (with sound) on the Best Gluten Free Beers Patreon channel, which you can check out here.

The Taste Test

Resilient IPA

This Dry Hopped Tart IPA pours with a light and bright citrus orange color. It has a considerable amount of cloud to it, and doesn’t change hue much when held up to the light. The head was extremely short lived. The carbonation is very audible, but it was hard to get any photos of the head that sizzled away upon contact.

The aroma is my absolute favorite. It wreaks of mango and citrus…grapefruit specifically. It has me prepared (and hoping) for a dry tart explosion on the palate. Not much sweetness on the nose, just lots and lots of fruit and flower. I can’t wait to taste it.

Interestingly, there’s a bit more sweetness on the front of the palate than I expected. Still very gentle though. There is a lot of complex textures presenting in the Resilient Dry Hopped Tart IPA. It’s a bit sweet and almost berry like at first, then it transforms quickly into a dry grapefruit punch to the middle palate, then finishes with a super tart throaty aftertaste that lingers intensely for some time.

This is a 55 IBU IPA, and I don’t usually say this, but it tastes higher than that! (First time for everything, right?) I think it’s all the dryness from the sour fruit qualities that gives me that impression. The carbonation is lovely and a little on the light side. It tastes stronger than it looks. This beer has a somewhat flat appearance not long after pouring.

The Resilient has a medium body, but maximum texture! As the beer warms, the contrast of all the competing flavors and textures soften quite a bit, making the mouthfeel a bit smoother, but just as tart as ever.

I like this beer, but despite its incredibly long style tag, it still managed to surprise me when I took that first sip! If you’ve had the opportunity to try this limited release dry hopped IPA, I’d love to hear what you thought of it in the comments section below. And while you’re at it, tell me what your favorite gluten free sour is! There aren’t many on the market at any given time, and I want to make sure I’m not missing any. :) Cheers!

P.S. Like what I do for the gluten free beer community? Consider buying me a beer for my efforts! ;)

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