Best Gluten Free Beers

We did it! We home-brewed gluten free beer!

gluten free beer brands 2023

Our Gluten Free Beer is Officially Fermenting!

Stay tuned for our step-by-step guide and video series!

I am excited to announce that our homebrew date has come on gone, and with great success! It was an all-day adventure. We started at about 8am and finished at about 6pm. Home brewing is a lot of work. It’s also a lot of fun!

Home-Brewing a Gluten Free Beer

As our experimental brew sits in a warm dark space, bubbling away (but hopefully not over), I now turn to all the photos and video we took during the process. We are already hard at work organizing all the information so that we may present it to you in a way that makes home brewing accessible to the masses.

In the coming weeks, we will be releasing a video of the brewing process, accompanied by a step-by-step guide. Actually, it’s likely to be a series of short videos because there is a lot to cover. Gluten free brewing definitely has a few added elements of complication. We’re going to do our best to walk you through these necessary steps and connect you to the resources you need.

For now, I will leave you with a few photos that give you a sneak peak into our process…enjoy!

We are lucky to have these two in the brew-crew! Kyle and Chasen brew professionally at a local craft brewery here in Bend, Oregon. When they heard about the Best Gluten Free Beers home brew project, they were excited to get involved. These two aren’t afraid of a challenge and their experience with the science of brewing has been an enormous help to this project. There are many hurdles to creating a gluten free beer that tastes just like a glutenous equivalent, and these two are going to help us understand the variations this project requires to achieve that.

Stand by for our step-by-step guide and video series which will walk you through the steps we took to brew this experimental gluten free ale. It is our goal to educate you enough about the process to empower you to give it a go at yourself.

We recognize that many don’t have access to good quality craft beers that are gluten free in their region. This is unfortunate and a problem that will disappear with time I’m sure, but for now, if you don’t have access to buy gluten free beer, we would at least like to provide you with the tools needed to brew your own gluten free beer.

We are so grateful to Grouse Malting and Roasting Company for helping us get the grain we needed in time for this home brew. We are beyond excited to have the support of their 100% dedicated gluten free facility. It isn’t easy to find gluten free malt, and this brew wouldn’t have been possible without them. Thank you for everything you do Grouse!

The fermentation has begun…now we just have to be patient for a few weeks.

(The real hard part.)

P.S. Like what I do for the gluten free beer community? Consider buying me a beer for my efforts! ;)

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[…] really loving all these gluten free beers built a foundation of millet and buckwheat malt–including ours!–it seems to provide a solid mash. Thank goodness Grouse Malting & Roasting Company […]

8 years ago

I brewed my first batch about 8-9 months ago and it came out fantastic. It was sorghum syrup based and my brother in law, who only brewed with grains before this, we pleasantly surprised at how good it was. The next batch we’re planning on brewing with grains, but using Clarity Ferm and even though I have Celiac disease, my sensitivity to gluten isn’t that bad. If you able, I suggest trying some “crafted to remove gluten” beers as they have proven to be very good.

We’ll see how our “crafted to remove gluten” comes out!

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