Best Gluten Free Beers

ANNOUNCEMENT! 🎉🍺☺️ Letter To Patrons

gluten free beer brands 2023

Time For A Change

A Letter To My Readers

Lindsi of Best Gluten Free Beers here. :) I’m here to announce a change that I’ve been considering for some time now. I have decided to stop charging Patrons (forever!) and shift to a different support system for the beer blog.

I turned to Patreon exactly 2 years ago, looking for a way that readers could offer financial support to Best Gluten Free Beers. I often receive emails from you all expressing your relief and excitement to find this resource, asking how you might support the community.

Lindsi Kay announcement patreon best gluten free beers

Patreon offered a way for readers to do that, and provided a small income stream to cover the blog’s hard expenses. Mainly, I wanted to be able to continue to prioritize the needs of the blog’s readership, as opposed to the needs of advertisers.

Patreon has been a great step. But there are several things I’ve grown to dislike about the platform. The biggest one…I don’t love how it displays the content that I’ve created for you. There are hundreds of posts in that Patreon feed, but sifting through them to find what you’re interested in is (in my opinion) not very user friendly or easeful. The second thing I dislike is that you have to travel to a third party platform to consume bonus content. I don’t like that you have to go to a separate website to support BGFB.

For these reasons and a few others, I have decided to shift the support model for the beer blog. Instead of maintaining a separate channel such as Patreon, I will return to using the BGFB blog and social channels to deliver ALL content, and I’m excited to share that I have integrated a “Tip Jar” system directly on to the blog.

This “Buy Me A Beer” tip jar allows readers to submit one-time, weekly, monthly, or annual donations to show support for the blog. Tips can be completed without even leaving the page you’re on!

It is my hope that this new system will equip the beer blog with more easeful financial support in addition to a MUCH better user experience for you, my readers.

I have halted Patreon payments, meaning you can stay a Patron and continue to have access to the content I’ve created—but will never be charged by this platform again.

One downside to making this change is that all current financial support of the blog will instantly stop, so if you BELIEVE in what I do for the gluten free beer community, please consider transferring your support to the Tip Jar on

Tips Jar links can be found at the end of every beer review, or by tapping the floating “Leave A Tip” button on the bottom right corner of every page.

Thank you for being such an important part of this community’s evolution. I truly appreciate you.

CHEERS to this next chapter at Best Gluten Free Beers!

♥ Lindsi Kay

P.S. Like what I do for the gluten free beer community? Consider buying me a beer for my efforts! ;)

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