Best Gluten Free Beers

Moonshrimp Brewing Honey Amber Ale

gluten free beer brands 2023

Moonshrimp Brewing Honey Amber Ale

Gluten Free + Made With Oregon Honey

Today’s review is for a gluten free amber ale brewed by Moonshrimp Brewing in Portland. It’s called the Honey Amber and it’s a 5.5% ABV beer. This amber is brewed in a dedicated gluten and oat free facility, so it is safe for all! This beer is just one of the many special releases that grace Moonshrimp’s cute little curbside beer window on SW 22nd Ave.

Lindsi Kay gluten free beer Moonshrimp Brewing

The Honey Amber Ale is brewed on a millet base, and was hopped with both Cascade and Chinook hops. These popular PNW hops were chosen carefully, designed to be mild enough not to compete with the beer’s headlining feature…Oregon honey.

The honey was locally sourced from Hood River, OR. Moonshrimp’s owner (and head brewer) Dan shared with me that he actually made the Oregon honey contact through Portland’s Zero Tolerance Homebrew community. Yay for gluten free beer networking!

Moonshrimp Brewing Honey Amber Ale 3

It’s not every day that I find a gluten free amber on the shelf. My local shops cater far heavier towards the Pales and IPAs, so I was excited to swoop this guy up for a tasting. Below is a video of the pour. The full version can be found on our Patreon (available to all).

The Taste Test

Honey Amber Ale

Moonshrimp’s gluten free Honey Amber poured with an Autumn-like reddish orange color. It’s clarity is quite strong but its hard to notice unless held up to a light source, as the color of this beer hides it a bit. This gluten free amber poured with a beautiful head that lasts for-e-ver. Overall I’d say the visual appeal is strong with this one.

Its aroma is malty, hoppy and faintly sweet. My first taste reveals a perfect carbonation level for an amber. It presents well but isn’t sharp. The body turns out to be a bit lighter than its look suggests. The flavor profile is very roasty, earthy and a bit stone-fruity.

The tasting experience starts bright and lightly fruity, but then ends with a warm and toasty malt character. There’s ample hop presence to carry you through from one act to the next. There’s a dry and slightly bitter roastiness left to linger on the palate and throat after each sip.

I think this amber is a bit more hoppy than I’m used ambers being, which I like. The body is on the light end too, but the flavor is full and roast-heavy. The Oregon honey adds a touch of sweetness to the palate but it is the perfect amount as its well balanced by the hop bitterness.

gluten free beer head

This is an enjoyable special release from Moonshrimp Brewing. It think its lighter body, but full amber flavor makes it a great summer amber. One that doesn’t weigh too heavy…one that’s bright enough to drink when it’s hot out.

If you missed it, I also reviewed Moonshrimp Brewing’s Blood Orange Hazy IPA recently. Be sure to check out the review, especially if you’re apart of the #hazecraze! ;)


P.S. Like what I do for the gluten free beer community? Consider buying me a beer for my efforts! ;)

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