Best Gluten Free Beers

NGB Lager

gluten free beer brands 2023

Minhas Craft Brewery

NGB Gluten Free Lager

Alright, here it is. I bought a 6-pack of this gluten free NGB lager from my local Trader Joe’s. I’m going to be honest…before I say a single things about this beer, I have to warn you…

I don’t like lagers.

But I am going to try and put my un-bias cap on (ha!) and do my best to write a review that will be helpful to someone who does–in fact enjoy lagers.

best gluten free beers minhas craft brewery nab lager

Sorghum-based, But 100% Gluten Free

This beer pours golden yellow and I must say–has excellent carbonation. The head is beautiful (for a lager). It doesn’t smell like much though. That is to say, the scent is very mild.

The NGB is brewed with sorghum and brown rice. The shocking thing about this brew is that it does not carry that unfavorable taste that often accompanies sorghum-brewed beers. This is a huge compliment. I don’t know many beer lovers who enjoy detectable notes of sorghum….so, well done Minhas!

best gluten free beers minhas craft brewery nab lager

Gluten Free, Taste Free, But Unoffensive

My main complaint about this beer is it is fairly tasteless. The surprising thing is that sorghum beers usually carry a somewhat offensive twinge to their aftertaste. This one does not have that, which is good, but the downside is that it has very little flavor at all.

best gluten free beers minhas craft brewery nab lagerI suppose for a regular lager drinker, this is to be expected. I am more partial to bold flavorful beers, so it is no surprise to me that I find this one unexciting. But I will say that I would drink it again if I wanted a lager.

It would certainly be a [very] light and refreshing choice for a hot summer day. With only a 4.0% alcohol volume, it’s a safe one to take out into the sun during a hot afternoon.

The other benefit of the NGB lager is that Minhas Craft Brewery seems to have an “in” with some major food chains. This means it is quite a bit more accessible than many of it’s competitors.

What’s interesting is that Minhas Craft Brewery is located in Monroe, Wisconsin and they are a glutenous-beer brewery that is contracted to do this gluten free ale for Trader Joe’s. I can’t seem to find any stand alone website or page referring to their gluten free ale on the Minhas website.

Overall, my opinion of this beer is “Meh…”, but this is far from the worst tasting gluten free beer I’ve ever tried. It may–however, be the most watery one I’ve tasted.





P.S. Like what I do for the gluten free beer community? Consider buying me a beer for my efforts! ;)

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[…] smells like a sweet and basic American ale. It has a mild flavor, somewhere in between the NGB and the Coors Peak Lager. In fact, I think I like it better than both of those other brews. It has […]

Home Brewer
Home Brewer
5 years ago

you do realize that not every lager is an American Adjunct Lager, right? That all beer is either ale or lager, and that it’s a really broad term? There are quite a few “bold and flavorful” lagers.

6 years ago

I can’t have regular beer anymore, only GF. I prefer NGB beer to Redbridge and would like Trader Joes to bring it back. They have at least 3 stores within 30 miles and they could carry it in one store again at least. And it was inexpensive. I think $6.99 a 6 pack.

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