Best Gluten Free Beers

Pekko Fresh Hop IPA – 3 Way Collaboration Beer 

gluten free beer brands 2023

Pekko Fresh Hop IPA – 3 Way Collaboration Gluten Free IPA 

Mutantis Brewing, Ground Breaker Brewing, Bierly Brewing

What a special brew! Today I’m pouring a 3-way collaboration beer brewed by Mutantis Brewery, Ground Breaker Brewing, and Bierly Brewing. It’s called the Pekko Fresh Hop IPA, named after the hops it showcases. This gluten free fresh hop IPA has a 6.2% ABV and 80 IBU.

The Pekko Fresh Hop IPA is brewed by 3 dedicated gluten free breweries, so you can be absolutely certain that this beer is 100% safe for any Celiac. It features a fruity English ale yeast, and it’s brewed on a base of malted rice and quinoa.

This collaBEERation was brewed and packaged under Mutantis’s roof, but you can source it through any of the three breweries (while it lasts)! Check out the video below to see how it pours. I’ll include a few links at the end of the review to some other collaboration beers brewed by 100% dedicated gluten free breweries!

The Taste Test

Pekko Fresh Hop IPA

The Pekko Fresh Hop IPA pours with a moderate haze and a orange hue that ranges from subtle to sunny, depending on the lighting. It poured with an eager head (it literally formed a head on the top of the can as I started to pour!) that seems to be fading slowly.

This gluten free fresh hop IPA sports both fruit and carmel on the nose. My initial thought during my first sip is “Damn, that’s smooth.” And it is. This fresh hop glides over the palate with caramely sweetness and earthy hops, only to gently amp the bitterness almost immediately following the swallow. It continues to build and linger until the next sip.

There is nothing sharp about this beer, but the hops are powerful and they carry significant weight on the palate, yet they come on gently somehow. This 3 way collab has the smoothness of a fresh hop, with the bitterness of a PNW IPA—without the punch. 

When the Pekko first hits your lips, you first notice the soft texture and the malt, but that malt character is quickly joined by the herb-y Pekkos and then the two walk off into the sunset together leaving a bitter wake that you just gently rock into while you taste buds are all blissed out. Can you tell I’m dreaming of the beach on this cold Fall evening? 

This beer is fantastic. I wanted to get this review out as fast as possible so that you all could go scoop up what’s left of this beer. You may even be able to order some if you get to them quick! As I mentioned earlier, you should be able to track this beer down at any of the three collaborators: Mutantis, Ground Breaker, or Bierly. I’d be willing to bet it was too limited of a release to put in stores, so skip the search and head straight to the source.

Pekko Fresh Hop IPA - 3 Way Collaboration Gluten Free IPA 

Collaboration beers are my favorite to review because there’s so much energy and story crafted into these beers and their creation. There’s so much personality infused and so many boundaries pushed when you get a bunch of gluten free brew nerds together…it’s always a special treat to review these creations. 

Here’s to hoping these breweries keep doing what they do best!

More Gluten Free Collaboration Beers:

Collaboration Dubbel by Moonshrimp Brewing + Bierly Brewing

Brewnited Red IPA: A Gluten Free Collaboration Beer

P.S. Like what I do for the gluten free beer community? Consider buying me a beer for my efforts! ;)

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