Best Gluten Free Beers

Wild Ohio Brewing Blood Orange Tangerine Tea Beer

gluten free beer brands 2023

Blood Orange Tangerine Tea Beer

Brewed by Wild Ohio Brewing Co.

Today’s review is for Wild Ohio Brewing Co. Blood Orange Tangerine Tea Beer (woo…that’s a mouthful). This is my third Wild Ohio review, so once you’re done here, be sure to check out the other flavors. As you may have guessed, this tea beer is brewed in Ohio. Columbus, to be exact.

wild ohio brewing co gluten free tea beer

The 5% ABV Blood Orange Tangerine is one of the flavors included in the 4-flavor variety pack by Wild Ohio Brewing. It accompanies the Blueberry, Mango and Black Cherry Bourbon Barrel Tea Beers. You can order the variety pack here. It’s a fantastic party pack.

The Taste Test

Blood Orange Tangerine Tea Beer

The Blood Orange Tangerine Tea Beer poured with a straw yellow color and like the others, it is crystal clear. I can read the words on this screen through it easily. It poured with the same amount of head as the others. To see it, you have to pour down the middle of the glass and have video rolling, because it won’t last for the photos. ????

I’m a bit surprised by the color. After seeing the black cherry tea beer pour with a deep red hue, I expected this one the be similarly bright, given the blood orange quality. Once the head bubbles away, this tea beer resembles a cider. Clear and calm.

The blood orange and tangerine aroma is intoxicating, to say the least. It doesn’t smell as sweet as the other flavors I’ve reviewed, and with the blood orange component, I wouldn’t expect it to. I wonder if this is their driest offering…(I still have to taste the blueberry and mango, but I picture those being sweeter.)

gluten free tea beer

My first sip reveals some truth in the above assumption. It is significantly less sweet than both the Black Cherry Bourbon Barrel and the Peach flavored tea beers. It’s carbonation level is constant with the rest, perhaps even a little lighter. The flavor is heavy on the tangerine, with the perfect amount of blood orange to bring some tartness to the palate, keeping this tea beer nice and dry.

Not so dry that it makes you thirsty though. There’s a full fruity onset when you first sip, but then the sweetness fades thanks to the presence of the blood orange. Once again, the alcohol is unnoticeable, despite containing a 5% ABV. They sure do a good job with that over at Wild Ohio Brewing Co.

wild ohio brewing company

I would recommend this Blood Orange Tangerine Tea Beer to anyone seeking a gluten free alternative that doesn’t necessarily resemble beer. No grain, no hops, but very delicious and refreshing. I’d shoot it dead middle between sweet and dry, and the driest yet of the ones I’ve tried, not to mention a much more modest ABV than the others.

This tea beer is easy-drinking and honestly, I would prefer it to cider. I would also peg this flavor as my favorite so far, given its dryness. Although, I’ve heard really good things about the blueberry too, so I’ll have to reserve judgement.

wild ohio blood orange tangerine tea beer gluten free

Have you had a chance to try any of the Wild Ohio Brewing Co. tea beers? What are your thoughts about them? Which is your favorite flavor? Feel free to comment your thoughts below. :)


Buy Tea Beers Online

Other Wild Ohio Brewing Co. Reviews:

Peach Tea Beer
Black Cherry Bourbon Barrel Tea Beer

P.S. Like what I do for the gluten free beer community? Consider buying me a beer for my efforts! ;)

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