Best Gluten Free Beers

Mutantis Brewery Extra Dry IPA

gluten free beer brands 2023

Mutantis Brewery Extra Dry IPA

Gluten Free Extra Dry IPA

I am ridiculously excited to report that I have Mutantis Brewery beers in my possession. (Check out this @glutenfreebeers Insta post to see the full unpacking!) I have 9 different styles to taste and the range is comprised of everything from Blueberry Wits to British Porters. 

It’s hard to know where to star when there’s so many mouth watering options, but I opted for the Extra Dry IPA, which surprises exactly no one. Ha! I want to taste these hops while they’re still as fresh as can be.

Mutantis Brewery and bottle shop Extra Dry IPA

All of Mutantis Brewery’s beers are packaged in little “Twistee” cans that are purged with CO2 and then filled under pressure, so they hold carbonation just as well as any other form of packaging.  Each of these little twistees are 25.4 ounces, so a little more than two 12 oz. beers.

The Mutantis Brewing Extra Dry IPA is brewed on malted millet and rice. It enjoys a 6.4% ABV and 73 IBU. Its hop bill includes Simcoe and Columbus hops. Their cans have a cool little graphic to represent the tasting profile, which I find to be very creative. The extra label space is nice on these little Twistee cans!

See how the beer pours in the video below. Be sure to read on to learn what I thought of it’s aroma, taste, and visual presentation. If you like watching these beer pours, Best Gluten Free Beers has an entire YouTube channel full of them, so be sure to subscribe.

The Taste Test

Mutantis Extra Dry IPA

The Mutantis Brewery Extra Dry IPA pours with an amber orange color and a wonderful head that proves that these Twistee cans can hold some serious carbonation. The head never really goes away completely. The frosted top remains even after most of the head fades, which takes some serious time. 

Its stubborn head keeps the aroma somewhat muted in the beginning.  I’m too impatient to wait any longer, I have to taste it anyway. The first takeaway: This gluten free IPA is so dry that it leaves your tongue sticking to the roof of your mouth a bit!

The first thing you notice when you take a swig of this Extra Dry IPA is bitterness. That’s not the usual, even with PNW IPAs! Usually the texture, malt, or hop flavor hits first, but I’m actually getting bitter before the flavor in this one. 

Next the hop flavors take center stage and the gentle malt character takes a 3rd row backseat. The carbonation is moderate, the body is medium and the finish is filled with dry pine.

The hop profile is rooted in the forest but also offers a tinge of grapefruit which adds to the dryness a bit. This gluten free Extra Dry IPA does not disappoint. It is dry AF, hoppy AF, but still maintains a significant body, considering the lighter malted grains used. 

gluten free extra dry ipa

You all know I like it dry, and this Mutantis Brewery IPA is dry indeed. My one piece of advice is don’t drink it when you’re thirsty, or if you do, have a thirst quencher on standby to pair it with. ;)
Now that you know what I think of the Extra Dry IPA, it’s worth reminding you that I have 8 more Mutantis Brewery beers sitting in my fridge! Here are the flavors left to taste:

  • Black Lime Saison
  • British Porter
  • Winter Gruit
  • Blueberry Wit
  • Passionfruit Sour
  • Vanilla Stout
  • Hazy Guava IPA
  • Deep Blonde

Which one should I taste next? I’m taking suggestions in the comment section below!

P.S. Like what I do for the gluten free beer community? Consider buying me a beer for my efforts! ;)

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