Best Gluten Free Beers

Wild Ohio Brewing Co. Blueberry Tea Beer

gluten free beer brands 2023

Wild Ohio Brewing Co. Blueberry Tea Beer

The Crowd Favorite Flavor…

This is not my first review of this unique style of alcohol-containing tea. But when I first announced that Wild Ohio Brewing Tea Beer reviews were coming, many replied with a fondness for the Blueberry style. It seems to be a crowd favorite among readers.

gluten free wild ohio tea beer

Wild Ohio Brewing Co. (based in–you guessed it–Ohio!) put out a line of gluten free tea beers that are made with fermentable sugars and fruit juice, skipping the grain all together. They are basically fizzy teas that pack a serious ABV punch. (But they usually hide it quite well.)

After you read through this review, be sure to check out the other Wild Ohio flavors I’ve reviewed in the past. There are links provided at the end of this article. For now, lets turn our attention to the Blueberry Tea Beer in front of us–the blue can!

The Taste Test

Blueberry Tea Beer

The Blueberry Tea Beer pours with a purply-red color and a small head that left slowly for a cider-like beverage such as this. The nose is HEAVY with berry notes. The blueberry aroma smells fairly sweet, similar to an Italian Soda you might pick up at a coffee cart.

Pleasantly, the flavor is not quite as sweet as it smells. The gentle sweet notes are quite well balanced by a tart berry quality. The carbonation is mild, which keeps it from tasting too much like a soda. The finish is fairly dry.

Just like the other tea beers made by Wild Ohio Brewing, the taste reveals little-to-no alcohol, yet this beverage packs a 6.5% ABV. A feat I will never quite understand, I think. There is no hoppy quality either, considering there were no hops added. That means no bitterness. Just a fruity, slightly fizzy, (slightly) sweet tea.

This Blueberry Tea Beer is both pleasant and refreshing…but it’s also a bit dangerous. It would be REAL easy to sip down a few of these babies without even realizing, but that 6.5% ABV could really catch up to you. This is also a real tempting beverage to consume mid-day, alongside a weekend lunch.

wild ohio brewing co blueberry tea beer

If you have had these tea beers yourself, what would you say is your favorite flavor? I still have one more to review, so I’ll save my final judgement for afterwards. In the meantime, I’d love to hear yours, so drop it in the comments below.

Other reviews I’ve done for Wild Ohio Brewing Co. Tea Beers include the Peach, Blood Orange Tangerine, and the Black Cherry Bourbon Barrel. Follow the links to check them out.


P.S. Like what I do for the gluten free beer community? Consider buying me a beer for my efforts! ;)

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