Best Gluten Free Beers

G’s Hard Ginger Beer – Original

gluten free beer brands 2023

G’s Hard Ginger Beer – Original

Gluten Free Ginger Beer

I am super excited to bring you this gluten free ginger beer review…Why, you ask?

Because (#spoileralert) it’s really good! 😆 I don’t feel this way about all ginger beers because let’s be real–some of them are wayyyy to sweet. Don’t get me wrong, sweet ginger drinks can still be refreshing and delicious, but the heavy sugar doesn’t sit well with my digestive system. If you’re with me on this…keep reading!

gluten free ginger beer

G’s Hard Ginger Beer has a whole line of different gluten free ginger brews and today we’ll be tasting the original flavor. Good place to start, no? The original flavor features ginger, lemon, and oranges. It has only 116 calories per can and is brewed with ingredients that are both organic and vegan.

Below is the pour video for the Original Ginger Beer so you can see how it for yourself. Keep reading to find my full review, and be sure to stay tuned in the coming weeks for more fun flavors from G’s Hard Ginger Beer!

The Taste Test

G’s Hard Ginger Beer – Original

It pours with a cloudy light yellowish-cream color, that almost has a twinge of green in my poorly lit kitchen. It pours with a boisterous head, but that bubbles down immediately. The carbonation seems very high on this gluten free ginger beer. It’s still very noisy, even 10 minutes later, as it sits next to my keyboard while I type.

It smells of ginger and lemon. Getting good whiff is actually hard with how effervescent the beer is. It’s like a fountain. My biggest concern is that it will taste really sweet, but my first sip reveals that it’s not AT ALL. This ginger beer is incredibly dry and crisp. The ginger is strong, the lemon is subtle. The orange gives it a nice citrus backbone without it being super tart.

When you first sip, you’re met with the ginger beer’s dry and bubbly texture, which translates into a swift crispness as it washes over the tongue—staying dry all the while, and finishing clean with a kick of ginger left behind on the palate.

I must say, I am wildly impressed with this ginger beer. I absolutely love it’s dryness and ginger heat. It feels like I’m drinking something healthy, like a non-sugary Kombucha. It’s delightful. This experience has me very excited to taste the other flavors from G’s Hard Ginger Beer. There’s some seriously cool ones, and I’m feeling glad I started with the original.

gluten free ginger beer

At 4.5%, this 16 oz. ginger beer is wonderful way to take the edge off of a long day. I’m sipping this citrusy ginger beer in the midst of a snow storm during the dead of winter, but I think I would enjoy it just as much on a sunny summer afternoon.

This gluten free ginger beer is brewed and bottled in California. If you happen to reside there, I’d recommend asking stores about them. They may be able to source it so you can try it for yourself!

P.S. Like what I do for the gluten free beer community? Consider buying me a beer for my efforts! ;)

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