Best Gluten Free Beers

Moonshrimp Brewing Citra Orange Ale

gluten free beer brands 2023

Gluten Free Citra Orange Ale By Moonshrimp Brewing

Single Double Batch Release #3!

This week we have an exciting summer seasonal up for review. We’re tasting the Citra Orange Ale from Moonshrimp Brewing. I’ve heard that this seasonal is doing very well in the Portland area, so it’s about time we get it up on the blog, wouldn’t you say?

This particular experimental is a citra hopped ale fermented with Valencia oranges. These seasonals are typically brewed as a single batch…but Moonshrimp’s head brewer Dan said “It smelled so nice, we brewed it twice!” As with all Moonshrimp ales, this brew was created in a 100% gluten free and oat free facility. This means that Celiacs are 100% safe to drink this beer. 

The Taste Test

Moonshrimp’s Citra Orange

The first thing I noticed as I was pouring this beer is it’s bright and sunny orange color. It’s absolutely beautiful and makes me very thirsty! It has a slight cloud to it and a pretty thin head. The vibrant color just screams summer ale in the sunshine to me. The aroma is sweet, floral, zesty, and filled with citrus notes.

I’m going to be honest. I had a flashback when I first tasted this beer. (In a good way!) Have any of you ever been partial to Deschutes Brewery beers? Well, Deschutes and I share a hometown. In fact, they were founded the same year I was born. Coincidence, I think not.  Up until I went gluten free at age 22, Deschutes was one of my favorites. Yet another love I had to sacrifice when I made the decision to stop poisoning myself.

When I took my first sip of the Citra Orange Ale I was immediately transported back in time. Does that ever happen to you? The citrus flavor had me flashing back to my former experience with Deschutes seasonals. I can’t even put my finger on which one it was exactly, as it’s been so many years at this point. But I got this image of myself sitting by the river here in town, throwing back a good ol’ Deschutes beer. It was lovely.

Long story short, I like this beer. A lot. It is flavorful and unoffensive. It’s citrusy and crisp, and the bitterness of the hops help to counter the sweet-factor. It’s entirely enjoyable and a perfect summer seasonal. I hope there’s still a bunch left of the Market of Choice shelf, as I’m kicking myself for not purchasing more than one.

Check out more Moonshrimp Brewing beer reviews:

Negative Space Dark Pale Ale

Starlight White Ale

One Small Step IPA

Winter Seasonal: Chocolate Spice Ale

P.S. Like what I do for the gluten free beer community? Consider buying me a beer for my efforts! ;)

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