Best Gluten Free Beers

Ghostfish Brewing Lander Lager

gluten free beer brands 2023

Ghostfish Brewing Company Lander Lager

Gluten Free American Lager

Time to crack open a new limited release from Ghostfish Brewing Company in Seattle, Washington. It’s an American Lager called the Lander Lager and it has a 5.2% ABV and only 7 IBU. You can find it packaged in 16 ounce cans. This gluten free lager is brewed on a base of malted millet, flaked rice, and organic corn.

The Lander Lager features the Saphir hop, which I am less familiar with so I looked it up. The Saphir hop is a noble-like variety with mild bittering and a complex character that offers a spicy, floral, and fruity blend sought after in German varieties.

Ghostfish Brewing Lander Lager

Ghostfish was the first dedicated gluten free brewery in Washington state and they still don’t have a flagship lager, but they have many other light options that I will share at the end of this review. They are constantly pumping out new and creative IPAs, but I’m more than excited to see something on the lighter end for these hot summer nights.

To see the (spoiler alert: absolutely incredible!) pour for this gluten free American Lager, check out the video below. Keep reading and you’ll find my review and at the end you’ll find links to more light(er) Ghostfish beers.

HOT TIP: Don’t forget to subscribe/follow my social channels too so you get day to day updates about my beer finds! :)

The Taste Test

Lander Lager

The beer pours SO beautifully, with a boisterous head and crystal clear body. But that’s nothing next to its golden yellow color and absolutely insane carbonation show. The clarity combined with the carbonation is mesmerizing. The head never fully disappears. Instead, it takes its time compressing down into a snow-like microfilm layer at the top of the beer. It hugs the side of the glass and lingers like a fine sea foam.

Aroma has lots of malt and smells exactly like an American Lager should. The Lander Lager has a silky smooth texture, partially due to the frosty head. It’s flavors are smooth and there is absolutely no bitterness, which is no surprise as it only has 7 IBU.

When the Lander American Lager hits your palate, I expect to notice carbonation first, but instead I get body. Both from the head and from the light malt flavor backbone. The body is light, but silky and a bit sweet. When the lager clears the palate, you’re left with carmely malt flavors on the tongue. There’s a bit of spicy character in the flavor profile too, likely imparted by the hops.  

Worth noting that this beer is still sporting a 1/3” head, even 15-20 minutes after the pour. Impressive. Overall this is a light drinking, sweet and malty lager that has more body than you expect when you first pour it. 

I can’t get over how creamy the mouthfeel is after watching that pour. I thought that the carbonation would dominate the mouthfeel, but it does the opposite. It allows you to truly appreciate the grain profile, especially the corn and rice character. In a way, it makes you hyper present with taste through the entire experience, rather than jumping around its drinking qualities and textures. 

Ghostfish Brewing Lander Lager

This is a solid gluten free lager that is only available in limited release, so if you’re a lager fan and have access to in-person or online Ghostfish Brewing sales, you should sweep one up and let me know what you think!

By the way…head’s still there. ;) 

If you want to read about more of Ghostfish Brewing’s light(er) beers, here’s a few that I’ve released in the past. Some of them are flagships, available year-round, and others are limited releases that reappear seasonally.

Meteor Shower Blonde Ale

Shrouded Summit Belgian White Ale

Gosefish Gose Ale

Mango Meets A Monk Sour Ale

P.S. Like what I do for the gluten free beer community? Consider buying me a beer for my efforts! ;)

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